START: How can you register your PhD?
We are glad to assist you with all administrative steps - from registration to admission as PhD at the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy.

We are glad to assist you with all administrative steps - from registration to admission as PhD at the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy.
Registrations must be completed not later than 3 months after starting your PhD undertaking!
Handwritten forms will not be accepted!
You are responsible on your own for identifying and contacting an entitled doctoral supervisor for PhD procedures at the faculty who will supervise your thesis (“Doktorvater” / “Doktormutter”). All professors and lecturers (PD, Privatdozenten), who are member of our faculty, are entitled to supervise doctoral students. In addition, also some junior researchers, who were approved by the Faculty Council may also be admitted as supervisors. (According to §2 paragraph 2 sentence 3).
For admission to doctoral studies the completion of five years of studes (official length of programs!) is requested, consisting in i.e. three-year Bachelor and two-year Master studies in total. The five-year study regulation will not be applied to the state examination system.
- The final overall grade may not be worse than 2,50 in the Bavarian grading scale system
- or an official written confirmation (ranking) by the central student administration of the issuing university that the candidate belongs to the top 30% of his class and in his discipline at his university (no technical college)
- also possible: the dean may also admit candidates with a final grade of up to 2,99 in the Bavarian grading system if the doctoral supervisor from the faculty applies for acceptance according § 3 section 2 Sentence 4 as long as the diploma or master thesis was graded at least "good" (= 2,5 in the Bavarian grading system).
Please fill out the online form only:
In order to apply, please create an account. Choose your language clicking on German or English at the right bottom of the start page. Fill out the form carefully, as well as the personal data disclose.
By clicking on «Submit» the file will be saved and sent then you can contact the PhD office. Before you leave the webpage, please print out the form (Button „Bewerbungsdaten als PDF“) and sign it. After having been successfully registered your online form will be deleted.
In case of default and problems, please contact: Service-EMAIL
Please contact the PhD office of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy by phone or email after having all the required documents from sections 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 in order to apply for admission.
This refers to candidates who would like to do a doctorate at the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy and whose supervisor is a member of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy.
To edit the PDFs, please save them locally. Open the PDF forms (not in the web browser) and fill them out electronically before printing.
Handwritten forms will not be accepted!
The form should be signed in original by you and your supervisor.
This refers to candidates whose supervisor is not member of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy (external candidates). Fill out the form electronically and let it signe in original by your external supervisor and the internal one (Fachvertreter), a member of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy according to § 2 Abs 1 der PromO. Your eligibility for the doctorate will be checked. If your application is successful, you will receive via physical mail / internal post (Hauspost: mailbox of your group) an official letter from the Dean confirming your acceptance for admission to the PhD program and a written notification of your admission (Bescheinigung ueber die Zulassung zur Promotion).
To process the PDFs, please save them locally. Open the PDF forms (not in the web browser) and fill them out electronically before printing.
Handwritten forms will not be accepted!
For external biochemistry doctoral candidates only, as well as their supervisors, please note the following additional agreements:
Please contact Dr. Turck ( at the Gene Centre regarding the teaching activities.
If you have a German university degree, the following documents are requested:
If you do not have a German university degree, the following documents are requested:
After receiving your doctoral admission letter and depending on your personal academic background, the International Office or the Office of the University Registrar is responsible for enrolment as PhD student. Please get informed about application deadlines and documents at their LMU webpages.
Please notice: